A downloadable tool

Buy Now$25.00 USD or more

Ever wanted to make your own social media webapp? This template makes it easy. With this webapp, users can make their own chatrooms and you can moderate them by blocking certain IPs from posting. It is extremely easy to set up and even the least tech savvy person can start it up! I suggest ngrok for deployment 

 The simplest way to deploy: 

Make a ngrok account

Go to "authtoken"

Copy this line 

ngrok config add-authtoken $YOUR_AUTHTOKEN

Put this into your terminal

Go to "endpoints" on your ngrok dashboard

Make a new endpoint

Click on your endpoint

Click "start a tunnel"

Copy this line: ngrok tunnel --label edge=XXXXXX....

and place it in your terminal. Change the port to 5001

Run the command

Your webpage will now be active!

To custom change the url, you will have to pay ngrok. 


Buy Now$25.00 USD or more

In order to download this tool you must purchase it at or above the minimum price of $25 USD. You will get access to the following files:

app.py 2.5 kB
instructions.png 27 kB
chat.html 2.3 kB
index.html 963 bytes

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